- Games and Playable Media
- Visual Storytelling and Animation
- Digital Fabrication
- Music Technology
- Culture and Technology
- Creative Coding
Interactive Multimedia is an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts program that embraces technology as a creative tool to express, communicate, empower, and entertain. Our core curriculum provides a foundation of skills and knowledge in digital media production, creative coding, and interaction design, coupled with an awareness of the historical and cultural forces that shape our attitudes toward technology. Our ever-evolving mix of intermediate and advanced courses allows students to explore opportunities where established disciplines intersect — such as the art, storytelling, sound, and programming components that weave into video games — as well as the possibilities presented by new technologies such as digital fabrication and augmented reality.
Our major engages students in a dynamic conversation between breadth and depth, emphasizing baseline competencies across many interrelated skills. We also encourage students to engage deeply with one or two primary areas of focus. These areas have been designed to articulate with other programs of study at TCNJ, so that students who are inspired to dig deeper into a particular subject can pursue minors or even second majors in related (“bridge”) areas such as Graphic Design, Art, Music, Computer Science, Communication Studies, or Business. The links below provide descriptions of the six primary areas of study in IMM, including learning goals and learning activities.