Internship Proposal:
Please keep these points in mind when developing your internship proposal…
1. Brief description of the company where you will intern;
2. Description of the duties in the internship (include title if applicable);
3. Include number of hours that you plan to dedicate toward this internship (break it down by X hours/X weeks = X total hours); the department chair and assistant dean will just want to see how you plan to fulfill the number of hours to then receive the corresponding units of credit;
If you were planning to do an internship for 1 unit; this would total 200 hours. You would need to indicate how you plan to complete this number of hours throughout the course of the internship.
4. Learning goals from this internship and how you anticipate this will impact your studies at TCNJ and future career;
5. Faculty Advisor meetings: indicate how often you will meet with your faculty advisor on the internship (i.e. weekly; bi-weekly)
6. Deliverables from your internship: Blog about what you learned submitted weekly or keeping a weekly/daily journal. You will need to submit a final paper (approx. 2-3 pages) detailing what you learned from this experience and how you plan to use this in your future college studies and career;
7. Submit a letter from your internship “on-site” supervisor at the end of the internship letting your faculty advisor know how you did over the course of the internship
Note: Once you have the proposal completed and have found a DCT faculty member to work with you as your advisor, you would bring this paperwork to the main office for both the department chair and the assistant dean to review and approve.